In the course we played a game that someone describe what they drew and we painted it on paper during the explanation. Description: We described…

Exhibition in London I visit the Admonitions of the Instructress to Court Ladies in British museum as the beginning of the exhibition tour, it was…

To cite the things right, in my opinion its note where it came from and the opinions or documents of someone you quote. If you…

I choose the ATR REVIEW ASIA as my library study magazine. Its a book that introduce many artists in Aisa, and it inroduce many different…

The outcome’s inspiration is from the workshop’s work.(p1) Its a shadow of a peafowl and a word, and in second research I did a reaserch…

The topic of my project is Endangered Bird. In the primary research I learned the basic mesages about them on Wiki and the IUCN red…

In this exhibition I brought my amulet. It’s a little yellow embroidery cloth bag. The positive side embroidered the ‘filial piety and respect your teacher…

The exhibition on week 1 was bringing the food that a symbol of our culture. I bought a milk candy that have been produced in…

A group of people took a adventure in to a cave that hide inthe moutian, and they heard that some gods lived in this cave,then…