outcome introduce

The outcome’s inspiration is from the workshop’s work.(p1) Its a shadow of a peafowl and a word, and in second research I did a reaserch on the black cut-paper silhouettes artist called Kara Walker.

The picture (p2) is about the first design, its a pair of paper cutting of peafowls with a background of a woman who wears a acient greek strategy’s mask. Then after tutorial , the post changed to another two out comes(p3,p4). And finnaly is the final out come.(p5)

The problem that cause the decreasing of the peafowl is human , such as building hydropower station, huting, picking up their eggs and hybrid the them with India peafowl which did not belongs to the green peafowls’ habitat. So I drew many human’s hands to catch the neck and the body of the shadow peafowl, to show that is human cause these beautiful life to become a skeleton spicemen in front of the picture. And there is a hand in the left side shaped as a peafowl, its a little game that Chinese children like to play with the light, the hand make a different shape and under the light hand can produce different animal’ shapes. and the symplest one to play is the peafowl.