In the following weeks I learned how to make details and use point to make buildings. In the toolkit’s courses, I learnt how to do construction and detailing, and mapping. And finally made a small building a well, which I used in maya.

For the environment I did the design of two statues, which are important for the whole scene. In the design of the statue, I have made a merger by referring to the styles of the three cultures mentioned in the previous post. Because they are guarding the middle pool both hold weapons and treasures, but because of the abandonment and some references to craftsmanship the stone statue is rather rough and made of weathered marble or granite. The face of the statue would be very soft, after all it is still an idol, and it would be ideal to appear gentle and at the same time majestic to those who come to worship.

The initial story of the scene thought of was that this was an abandoned shrine with three statues all watching over what was holding down the central pool, and that when the demons escaped and came out, the dragon statue in the middle would resume its dragon body. Because of the story, the dragon statue in the middle will resemble a living stone statue. It is also a reference to many cultures’ sacred animals and statues that have the meaning of guardianship and protection。