silhouettes and roughs
The roughs’ theme is sloth.In the first week I drew the 8 silhouettes and 6 roughs.

The first one was a woman with a bed for a skirt and curtains for her sleeves, she was holding an empty candlestick in her hand, and she also has a hibernating snake on her head. She wore a nightdress and a wax-covered candlestick that had not been replaced for a long time, spend every day in bed.
The second one was based on the sleep god in ancient Greek, Hypnos. He carried a hypnotic cane, had wings on his back, and lived in a bed covered with black gauze, put people to sleep every day when the night comes. In mythology, he sometimes causes people to fall into laziness and drowsiness.
The third one was the Chinese traditional story, Hanhao bird. This bird has beautiful feather in the summer, and when the winter comes, every other bird made nest for winter, the bird, however, was not impressed and still flaunted its feathers, and lazy about building a nest. And finally, this bird died at winter, all the feathers have fallen out.
The fourth is a combination of Hypnos and Orpheus. Orpheus once hypnotized Cerberus with his lute.
The fifth one was the person who confined by her own laziness, her skirt is a clock without hands, lazy let her time stopped.
The last was the man was wearing a nightgown wrapped in formal clothes, he handled a clock and also on his head there was a clock. His face is covered in gauze like a still marble sculpture. He would not open his eyes because of laziness, and two eyes were sewn into the cap on his head to see everything for him.